Sunday May 07, 2023
”Not My Metrics” w/ Sameena Hussain
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
From Gifs of Kajol to discussing the business of theatre. We finally MADE IT! This has been a year or something in making. Sat down during Ramadan so no Chai but lots to spill and discuss with the one and only Sameena Hussain who is a Theatre maker, an Associate Director at Leeds Playhouse, and Trustee for Dark Horse Theatre, Octagon Bolton and Kala Sangam.
In the episode we talk about:
The balance of directing rep pieces vs new work.
Relevancy of story telling through contemporary lens.
An approach to Safe Space, Game Playing and Community Theatre.
Approach to directing and theatre making.
Approaching Workshops, Auditions vs Rehearsals , Tech Week and Performances.
The business of programming.
A tool on How do you balance the room between your artistic voice and those around you. Or what have you found about yourself through being in spaces.
Authenticity vs Representation of storytelling.
Challenges and Joy of work you have done at Leeds Playhouse and what the next chapter holds?
Thoughts on the future of Theatre.
Being a freelancer theatre maker vs contracted to an organisation.
Thoughts on the Theatre space that is often regional defined and London.
Background on Performance to Directing . When did that happen because you studied Drama at Uni of Huddersfield. Thoughts on the term "Emerging Artist" vs "Established".
The journey of RTYDS.
3 things the industry could do with and without.
Sameena's strength as a theatre maker and something you feel like is a challenge you are working on.
One thing you would like for people to take with them.
A thing you would like to impart somebody but you never got told.
Social:Myself: https://www.instagram.com/chaiwithrai_/ Guest: https://twitter.com/SameenaHX1
Links:Myself: https://linktr.ee/chaiwithrai_
Guest: https://creatorsprogram.youngvic.org/member/7416
Hope you all enjoyed it and Thank you for tuning in.
To Subscribe, share, follow my work and everything else is listed above.
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
”A No is Not a No Forever”
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
I have been reflecting on my highest and lowest, personal and professional moments and how they impact my way of being and thinking. I wanted to start with the No's first and having a healthier relationship with them and share the "work" I have been doing in that. I hope you enjoy as I touch up on some of my outlooks.
Podcasts Mentioned:
Lewis Howes- School of Greatness
Dare to Lead with Brené Brown
Rob Dial- The Mindset Mentor
To listen to Jay Jay Revlon's full episode from the soundbite:
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Audible/Amazon Music
iHeart Radio
Player FM
Social:Myself: https://www.instagram.com/chaiwithrai_/
Links:Myself: https://linktr.ee/chaiwithrai_
Hope you all enjoyed it and Thank you for tuning in.
To Subscribe, share, follow my work and everything else is listed above.
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
”Body Hair is OK” w/ Olivia D’Lima
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
From calling people out who don't like puddings to a deep dive into acting and discussing skincare routine, vegan lifestyle, and of course discussing writing their new upcoming series Beige . This is a juicy episode with Actor & Writer Olivia D'Lima.
In the episode we talk about:
Challenges and Joys of the following projects: Standup Sketch show, Casuality, Van Der Valk and Death in Paradise
On writing Beige (The Series). How that came to be? Where is it going? What do you hope to get out of it?
Process to Casuality and the un breaking of that; the aftermath of character work, adjusting to life without being contracted for a year and would you take a series regular again?
Pro's and Con's of discussing being a series regular vs Freelancing or guest starring.
Financial Survivability of an actor and the production of creating own work.
Taking the role home and safeguarding. Some tools you use to dig in the role and how you safeguard?
Favourite part of the job.
3 things the Industry could do with or without.
3 things you wish somebody would have told you but didn’t and you would like to impart on others today.
Handling the room for self tape, audition, picking a monologues vs handling the job when you’re on it- crew or character
How do you approach text as an actor vs a Writer- Method to it
Thoughts on digital space and it’s pro and cons as an artists in the industry.
Authenticity vs representation.
Relationship with agent and or getting an agent.
Social:Myself: https://www.instagram.com/chaiwithrai_/ Guest: https://www.instagram.com/olivia_dlima/ , https://twitter.com/olivia_dlima & https://www.instagram.com/beigetheseries/
Links:Myself: https://linktr.ee/chaiwithrai_
Guest: https://m.imdb.com/name/nm9745153/
Hope you all enjoyed it and Thank you for tuning in.
To Subscribe, share, follow my work and everything else is listed above.
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
”We are the CEO” w/ Danny Clifton and Daniel Dresner
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
All jokes aside and I keep thinking of what tagline to write but this was such an insightful episode. I have been wanting to discuss the industry with a casting agent and also discuss the business/ wellbeing of Acting Schools. So, I will just say this- Warm up your cups kids and welcome into your lubricated earlobes Coach, Mentor, Author of "A Life Coaching Approach to Screen Acting", Actor and Comedian Daniel Dresner and his business partner/ co-founder of Actors Coaching international- Actor,Coach, CEO and Lead Agent at Union Management Danny Clifton.
In the episode we talk about:
Actors Coaching International- How it came to be, the business of it (Where it is and Where it is going), Mentoring/ Coaching Styles and What sets Actors Coaching apart from competitors like Go Hub Workshops, Identity, MN Talent or organisations such as NYT, Sylvia Plath, Lamda or RADA or Central.
Demystifying the role of an actor and agent or a business owner.
You approaches to Life coaching and has it developed through the years do you feel? Or has the need of it developed do you feel?
3 things the industry could do with and without
3 things you wish somebody would have told you starting out that you would like to impart on talent in the industry.
One thing you would like for people to take with them after experiencing you.
Thoughts on Authenticity vs representation of a role vs story and should specifity be reflect beind the scenes. i.e A story about a Trans Italian Activist- Should the role be played by someone of that community and should the crew represent aspects of that?
Thoughts on POC Actors on books.
Advice on writing a cover letter to agents, being in the room for an audition, the practicality of attaining a job and working on the role.
Thoughts on digital space structure and its role in the artists life. Pro’s and con’s of it and any tips on how to use it to benefit/ safeguard yourself.
Social:Myself: https://www.instagram.com/chaiwithrai_/ Guest: https://www.instagram.com/danieldresnercoaching/ & https://www.instagram.com/dannysteeleactor/
Links:Myself: https://linktr.ee/chaiwithrai_
Guest:https://actorscoachinginternational.com/#home, https://www.unionmanagement.co.uk/ & https://www.danieldresner.com/
Hope you all enjoyed it and Thank you for tuning in.
To Subscribe, share, follow my work and everything else is listed above.
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
”Reference Lady Gaga” w/ Kamal Kaan
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
From discussing the architecture of language to scents such as frankincense, this is a juicy and dare I say such an eloquent episode. Had such a wonderful time discussing all things entertainment, life and culture with Writer and Actor Kamal Kaan.
In the episode we discuss:
Creating work for different mediums from Radio to stage to TV/ Film and how you play with form?
What continues to be this inspiration for your work or has it changed?
Thought on what the Industry could do with and without?
Approach to writing?
Authenticity vs representation of the story.
How do you balance your artistic voice with lets say the world of play or an conscious unconscious bias, safeguarding, challenging your practice?
Darjeeling Express- Asma Khan
Favourite part of the job.
Thoughts on South Asian Entertainment sector and the industry at large.
Thoughts on being boxed or stereotyped. And do you now feel that there is enough representation?
Thoughts on digital space structure and its role in the artists life.
How do you approach the script and the handling of the job? Uniting, Practitioner work, experience.
Social:Myself: https://www.instagram.com/chaiwithrai_/ , https://twitter.com/chaiwithrai_ & https://www.tiktok.com/@chaiwithrai Guest: https://twitter.com/kamal_kaan
Links:Myself: https://www.raimuitfum.com/chaiwithrai
Hope you all enjoyed it and Thank you for tuning in.
To Subscribe, share, follow my work and everything else is listed above.
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
”Vitamin D” w/ Saher Shah
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
From Rude Gal Tings to Jalebi's and discussing Life in East London. It was so much fun to talk with Actor and Writer Saher Shah.
We highlight her UK tour of the play Vitamin D, which she has written and stars as Larki.
In the episode we discuss:
Thoughts on the audition process, Audition Monologues- challenges and joys of it. Takes on how to deal within the room and also with the casting hear backs when you’re in the unknown.
The joys and challenges of being a creator of opportunity.
View point on being labelled South Asian artist or actor or writer often and the South Asian Arts community at large in the UK and in mainstream projects.
What was the point of leaving the NHS work behind and what aspects of the jobs do you miss, don’t miss/ brought with you into the industry.
Ace Process and 3 things somebody would have shared with ya that you would like to impart on people
Acting from stage to tv. What do you feel light has been a standing moment not a credit but in experience and what is challenging?
Writing process: How do you create. And how have been the writers labs for you from Mfest to Rosemary Branch Theatre's writers in residency programme Shrill Voices. Rifco Theatre’s Associates
Being a Trustee for Stepladder foundation. Intrigued to know how you got involved and tell us about the foundation
Seed commission by Kahani Arts. Intrigued to know that process
Vitamin D: R&D and then now returning for a tour this year. And it explores Larki moving back home after a divorce.
Personal or surrounding experience narrative how do you safeguard and balance conscious and unconscious bias in order to tell the story and explore the themes surrounding.
Do you remember the first point of memory where you were like this is what I am going to do and is it the thing that still fuels you or has it evolved?
Islamaphobia/ Representation of the community
Thoughts on the entrainment at large and then the South Asian pocket?
Thoughts on social media and the new age influencer creatives.
Social:Myself: https://www.instagram.com/chaiwithrai_/ , https://twitter.com/chaiwithrai_ & https://www.tiktok.com/@chaiwithrai Guest: https://www.instagram.com/thesahershah/ & https://twitter.com/TheSaherShah
Links:Myself: https://www.raimuitfum.com/chaiwithrai
Guest: https://linktr.ee/sahershah
Hope you all enjoyed it and Thank you for tuning in.
To Subscribe, share, follow my work and everything else is listed above.
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
”What’s Love Got To Do With It?” w/ Iman Boujelouah and Mim Shaikh
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Warm up your cuppa's kids as we dive into banter and deep conversations with stars of the film "What's Love Got To Do With It?"- Broadcaster, Writer and Actor Mim Shaikh and Writer/ Actor Iman Boujelouah.
In the episode we discuss:
The process of self taping/ auditioning for What's Love Got To Do With It? and also intrigued to know your process- when it comes to a self tape or an audition where you are given sides or have a monologue vs your process to when you have booked a job and are working on the character.
Writing process and how you create the world of your project; from pitching it, to producing it to post.
A tip in regards to the industry you wish somebody shared with you at the beginning of your career.
What is something you have taken from one creative craft into the other. i.e- Mim of broadcasting you have taken into writing and Iman of acting into writing.
Safeguarding/ balancing the internal and external biases be they conscious or unconscious in your writing experience whilst challenging your artistic practice.
Education vs experience. Thoughts on an entry point into the industry.
3 things about What’s Love- Challenging part of it and Joyful part. And a bonus something that didn’t make the cut or happened behind the scenes no one knows during filming or after i.e public.
Authenticity vs the subject. As writers and actors- Representation of the role vs the story, which takes precedence?
Favourite part of the job.
Thoughts on South Asian Entertainment sector and the industry at large. 3 things could do with and without.
Thoughts on being boxed or stereotyped. And do you now feel that there is enough representation?
Thoughts on digital space structure and its role in the artists life. Pro’s and con’s of it.
Social:Myself: https://www.instagram.com/chaiwithrai_/ , https://twitter.com/chaiwithrai_ & https://www.tiktok.com/@chaiwithrai Guest: https://www.instagram.com/mim_shaikh/ & https://www.instagram.com/imanboujelouah/
Links:Myself: https://www.raimuitfum.com/chaiwithrai
Hope you all enjoyed it and Thank you for tuning in.
To Subscribe, share, follow my work and everything else is listed above.
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
”Maru’s Bhajia” w/ Aarti Shah
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
From reconstructing Britney Spear's "Every time" in a Scottish accent to talking about Maru's Bhajia. Had such a fun time talking to actress and founder of the channel South Asian Artists with Aarti Shah.
In the episode we discuss:
Scope of South Asian Entertainment in the UK, thoughts on it and have they change recently from when you began working in the industry.
Time at National Youth Theatre and University of Central Lancalnshire
3 projects, brown girl magic at octagon, Tour de moon experience, the wonders of the looking glass and Happy Birthday
Uncertainty of auditions and castings.
Channel that is South Asian Artist, how and what and where
How has the move to Manchester been for you and the market of acting?
Opportunities, Challenges and Joys of being a South Asian Artist.
Identity of being British and south asian and a woman and what conversation we should be having around that
Process to approaching scripts and auditions
Digital age and it’s point for creatives today
Balancing fame and passion/talent
Favourite part of the job and most challenging
Then of course Games
Social:Myself: https://www.instagram.com/chaiwithrai_/ , https://twitter.com/chaiwithrai_ & https://www.tiktok.com/@chaiwithrai Guest:https://www.instagram.com/aartishahx/ , https://www.instagram.com/southasian_artists/ & https://twitter.com/aartishahx , https://twitter.com/SouthAsianA
Links:Myself: https://www.raimuitfum.com/chaiwithrai
Hope you all enjoyed it and Thank you for tuning in.
To Subscribe, share, follow my work and everything else is listed above.
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
”Sweeter Than Life” w/ Sanjay Lago
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
From our love of Dr.Who and being a Whovian to talking about Scottish sausages. It was so nice to finally connect with actor, writer and multi-disciplinary artist Sanjay Lago.
In the episode we discuss:
What are the joys and hurdles of creating your own lane. Being a creator of opportunity right-- if no one gives you work, you create your own.
Reflections on; I don’t give a fuck, Can’t live without it, Main Kaun Hoo, and fringe
Do you feel boxed? Often no just as a South Asian actor but also as a Queer South Asian writer/ artist.
The Arts Space in Scotland as a creative.
Experience on Royal Conservative of Scotland and Soho Writers Lab.
Discussing Queer experience and being South Asian. The community at large and the South Asian LGBTQIA+ community.
Things the industry could do with and without.
Favourite part of the job?
Obsession with DR.WHO and how that has influenced Sanjay's writing?
Love me Like a Chai Tea Latte at the Vaults- how has it been and what are you looking forward to the most and least.
Social:Myself: https://www.instagram.com/chaiwithrai_/ , https://twitter.com/chaiwithrai_ & https://www.tiktok.com/@chaiwithrai Guest: https://www.instagram.com/sanjaylago/ & https://twitter.com/sanjaylago
Links:Myself: https://www.raimuitfum.com/chaiwithrai
Guest: https://www.sanjaylago.co.uk
Hope you all enjoyed it and Thank you for tuning in.
To Subscribe, share, follow my work and everything else is listed above.
Saturday Jan 21, 2023
”Bringing Creativity to the NHS” w/ Dr. Parvinder Shergill
Saturday Jan 21, 2023
Saturday Jan 21, 2023
First episode of 2023 !!!
From talking about poo stories at the dinner table to discussing South Asian female leads in western films. This is juicy one that combines the world of NHS and the entertainment.
With filmmaker, actor, writer and host Dr. Parvinder Shergill from The Secret Psychiatrist
In the episode we discuss:
Process to filmmaking
Producing and Directing 20 + films in span of 2 years
3 words of wisdom for an emerging producer
Things this industry could do with and without
Favourite and challenging parts to working in the NHS and being a creative
Education vs industry experience as an entry point or succession as an actor
Mental Health within South Asian Community and 3 advice points on how to start a conversation around that
Social:Myself: https://www.instagram.com/chaiwithrai_/ , https://twitter.com/chaiwithrai_ & https://www.tiktok.com/@chaiwithrai Guest: https://www.instagram.com/dr_parvindershergill/ & https://twitter.com/thesecretpsych
Links:Myself: https://www.raimuitfum.com/chaiwithrai
Guest: https://www.thesecretpsychiatrist.com
Hope you all enjoyed it and Thank you for tuning in.
To Subscribe, share, follow my work and everything else is listed above.